

3 Simple Rules to give effective Code Review feedback

Every developer on a team that cares about quality will eventually participate in the Code Review (or Pull-Request / PR) process.


Modeling relational data in a DynamoDB Single Table Design is hard to wrap your head around. Start your learning with these 3 resources

If you want predictable, consistent performance (with single-digit ms response times) for your relational data model, you need to think differently. Start learning with these 3 resources.


Eliminate this Hidden Procrastination to improve your developer efficiency

If you want to kick up your efficiency, you need to become aware of the friction developers create for themselves.


3 questions to ask when deciding between a relational DB and DynamoDB for your project

To DynamoDB or not to DynamoDB. That is the question. Here's 3 more questions to ask (and make a decision).


Avoid the overwhelm of chasing new libraries and frameworks with the Rule of 3

There are over 2.1 MILLION javascript packages on npm. On average, 32,000 new ones are published every month. The more you track Hacker News and [insert your favorite language / framework] Weekly newsletters, the more overwhelming the sheer amount of new tech seems. This un-ending influx of new tools, libraries, and frameworks leads to a constant need to chase shiny objects, and a time sink that is a huge hit to developer productivity.


New to Golang? These are the first 3 resources you'd read as a new member of my team

Golang can be quick to pickup, as long as you start with the right sources.


Struggling with DMs and questions interrupting your flow while working remote? Use Visibility Timeouts to take back your focus

Everyone who works remote eventually struggles with questions interrupting their flow.


Developers, you should get better at design - Start with these 3 books

For many developers, good design is hard. We can recognize it, but creating it is a whole different story.


So you want to learn DynamoDB... skip the fluff & go right to the 400 level course with this video

If you want to learn DynamoDB, you need a video that makes you 🤯. Here's my reco for the best one on the topic.


Vim is the best editor for software developers, full stop. Here's 5 reasons why I'm right

Vim is the most impactful development tool I use. (Besides AI, but this isn't an AI post.)


Respect the time of your remote working peers and don't say "Hello!"

Controversial? Maybe. Appreciated by all your remote team members? Definitely.


2 reasons why side projects make you a better software developer

If you want to grow as a developer, remember the abc's: Always Be Coding


Why should you use Golang when starting new software dev side-projects? (Hint, move faster & spend less)

When starting a new side project, you don't know what the end result will look like.


Use this behind-the-curtain insight of top developers to accelerate your career

Collaboration matters more than most juniors realize.


Learning Vim can be overwhelming. Here's 3 tips from 10+ years of experience to make it easier

There’s a reason “How do I exit Vim?” has been viewed 2.7M times on StackOverflow.


Uncommon remote working tip: Don't be so efficient during meetings

If you're a stickler about meeting topics, you're hurting the remote workers on your team.


How 15 minutes a week and a simple list keeps my developer workflow humming

You can't improve what you don't track.